Category: News Updates – FR

Upcoming Webinars: What’s in a Financial Aid Package?

Join us for our upcoming webinar series on financial aid options for both undergraduate and graduate students.
The undergraduate session will take place on August 3rd at 5:00pm EDT. It will provide an overview of funding options including grants, need-based and merit-based scholarships, and work study programs.
The graduate session will take place on August 5th at 7:00pm EDT. It will provide participants with a broader understanding of grants, scholarships and work study options such as assistantships and fellowships.

Register today!

Découvrez 32 universités américaines!

La journée commencera par une présentation au sujet de « Comment se démarque dans les admissions de premier cycle aux États-Unis » par Jenika Heim, conseillère de EducationUSA (9:30-10:00 HE(?)). Ensuite, tous les 15 minutes, un responsable des admissions fournira des informations sur leur université, y compris les majeures, nos programmes athlétiques et spéciaux, les équipements du campus, les opportunités de travail/stage, les procédures d’admission, les bourses etc. 

Vous avez des questions? Envoyez un e-mail à EducationUSA à ou visitez

Upcoming EducationUSA Canada Virtual Fair

Learn about 32 different U.S. universities!
The day will begin with a presentation on U.S. undergraduate admissions by EducationUSA adviser Jenika Heim (9:30-10:00 am). Then, every 15 minutes, a U.S. admissions officer will give information about their university including majors, athletics, special programs, campus amenities, work/internship opportunities, admissions procedures, and more! Click here for the schedule and register in advance!

EducationUSA Canada SAT Virtual Boot Camp

EducationUSA is hosting another SAT virtual boot camp from April 24th – May 4th. This is a free five-session SAT virtual boot camp where students will take two full-length practice tests and complete three intensive sessions to prepare for the SAT exam. This session is open to any Canadian student who is planning to take the SAT.

Upcoming Schedule:
Session 1 – April 24, 12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT (4.5 hours) Full-length practice test
Session 2 – April 27, 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT (2 hours) U.S. Admissions and the SAT exam
Session 3 – April 29, 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT (2 hours) Reading Comprehension
Session 4 – May 1, 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT (2 hours) Math, English, and Writing
Session 5 – May 4, 12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT (4 hours) Full-length practice test

Interested students: please fill out this survey and EducationUSA adviser Jenika Heim will email you with more details about logging on and how to prepare.