Looking for advice on how to succeed at an interview? If you are applying for a scholarship or trying to get into college, join us to learn recommendations on how to have a winning interview! REGISTER HERE.
Are you interested in studying business in the US? Join us this November 10th to learn everything need to consider when applying to business programs in the US (undergraduate and graduate)! REGISTER HERE.
Interested in studying in Colorado? Join StudyColorado for their International Student Fair to learn more about living and studying in Colorado. Representatives from English language schools, community colleges, and four-year institutions will be available to share information about their programs (undergraduate, graduate, and English language) and answer questions. There will also be sessions addressing topics... Read more »
La conférencière invitée Elizabeth Thompson, directrice associée de l’éducation et du rayonnement international de la NCAA, discutera du processus d’admissibilité à la NCAA pour les étudiants du Québec. La session durera environ 45 minutes avec suffisamment de temps pour les questions-réponses. La séance sera en anglais, mais il y aura des diapositives en anglais et... Read more »