Posted on September 24, 2018 by Molly Wierman - News Updates - FR
“Evergreen est à la fois un collège public d’arts libéraux reconnu à l’échelle nationale et un guide Fiske «meilleur achat». Le coût total de la participation pour les étudiants non-résidents est inférieur aux frais de scolarité seuls institutions privées. Evergreen est situé à Olympia, la capitale de l’état de Washington. 1000 acres de l’école campus boisé a une plage sur Puget Sound, miles de sentiers, une ferme biologique, un amérindien longue maison et un accès facile au centre-ville animé d’Olympia. L’océan Pacifique, trois parcs nationaux et des scènes urbaines de Seattle et de Portland, en Oregon, une heure ou deux de distance.” Apprenez-plus ici.
Posted on August 8, 2018 by Molly Wierman - News Updates - FR
“City University of Seattle is an accredited university in Seattle, Washington, founded in 1973. Seattle is ranked one of the most livable and cleanest US cities by Forbes Magazine and is home to many international corporations and ethnic communities. CityU’s accessible downtown Seattle location gives students ample opportunities to find internships and network with companies. Seattle is home to many global corporations, including Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks and Boeing.” Apprenez-plus ici.
Posted on July 25, 2018 by Molly Wierman - News Updates - FR
<< The University of Texas at Tyler (UT Tyler), founded in 1971, is one of the fastest-growing institutions in the reputable University of Texas System which is comprised of eight universities and six health institutions, located throughout Texas. Surrounded by the natural beauty of East Texas, UT Tyler is located midway between Dallas, Texas and Shreveport, Louisiana. The City of Tyler has a population of over 100,000 and is known as the “Rose Capital of America.>> Apprenez plus ici.
Posted on July 11, 2018 by Molly Wierman - News Updates - FR
“Discover the meaning of a Public Ivy. Miami University, founded in 1809 in Oxford, Ohio, has a national
reputation for a superior educational experience and unparalleled professional preparation of its
students. Money Magazine lists Miami University in its Top 10 list of universities nationwide for producing
Fortune 500 CEOs.” Apprenez plus ici.
“Jefferson State Community College, located in Metropolitan Birmingham, Alabama, offers a flexible and affordable option for students interested in international education. With more than 120 university transfer programs and 45 career programs, the college has outstanding opportunities Accredited by the Southern Association Colleges and Schools, Jeff State offers many programs which can launch a student’s academic career in Business, Nursing/Allied Health, Computer Science, Sciences, and other high-demand fields.” Regardez plus ici.
Posted on April 25, 2018 by Molly Wierman - News Updates - FR
“The State University of New York at Potsdam is located in St. Lawrence County in Northern New
York, along the U.S.-Canadian border, just a 90-minute drive south of Ottawa. As the oldest college
in the SUNY system, SUNY Potsdam has offered rigorous academic programs and unique student
experiences since 1816.” Plus ici.
Posted on April 25, 2018 by Molly Wierman - News Updates - FR
Nous avons une nouvelle serie de NCAA sur notre blog <<Study South of the Border>> Plus ici.
Posted on November 17, 2017 by Molly Wierman - News Updates - FR
À tous: les explorateurs enthousiastes, les éducateurs aspirants, et les fiers canadiens! Le programme «Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant» (FLTA) recrute présentement les canadiens francophones pour un chance unique d’échange aux États-Unis. Les récipiendaires passeront une année académique à enseigner la langue française dans une université américaine– en dirigeant un cours, étalant les activités concernant la langue française ainsi que les groupes de discussion, et facilitant un échange de la culture canadienne/québécoise avec les étudiants. Ce programme vous donnerais la chance d’explorer un nouveau pays, de collecter des souvenirs incroyables, d’enrichir vos compétences pédagogiques, et recueillir des expériences professionnels précieux. Apprennez plus ici.
Posted on November 2, 2017 by Molly Wierman - News Updates - FR
Si vous voulez apprendre l’anglais et d’étudier aux Etats-Unis consultez notre nouvelle section d’apprentissage de la langue anglaise.
Posted on March 8, 2017 by hawesg - News Updates - FR
Coastal Carolina University est une institution connue pour son excellence académique.